What is Salesforce

Nov. 4, 2022 ยท 5 minutes

Are you new to Salesforce? Not sure what it is or how to use it? Not sure where to start on your learning journey? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you have come to the right place. 

What is Salesforce?

Salesforce is one of the most important assets of any business. Since Salesforce is controlled by a control system, it is important to know what impact a Salesforce control system has on Salesforce.

Nowadays, as companies are facing stiff competition, it is very difficult for them to gain an edge over others just by improving product quality or lowering product price. The only thing that can change this is the company's Salesforce. Salesforce is the most important asset for the company as it helps to generate revenue, build long-term relationships with customers, and create a good image of the company with Salesforce control systems 189. Organizations around the world focus on efficiency, share price, revenue, market share or profit to be successful, which can only be achieved through Salesforce. 

Creating a successful sales force is a challenge for the company, especially in such a competitive environment. In addressing this challenge, the role of the sales force control system comes into play. Not only do management control systems (e.g., outcome-based and behavior-based controls) attempt to influence subordinates, but also their attitudes, words, and actions emphasize the behaviors to be taken by subordinates. In order to achieve productivity and profitability, a strategic approach to employees must be used, which includes various measures such as performance-based pay, etc.


Salesforce is your customer success platform that helps you sell, service, market, analyze, and engage with your customers.

Salesforce provides everything you need to run your business from anywhere. Using off-the-shelf products and features, you can manage relationships with prospects and customers, collaborate and engage with employees and partners, and store your data securely in the cloud.

Salesforce takes all this important data and organizes it in one simple interface. It's a single place for you:

  • Manage all your contacts
    Work with your prospects
    Organize tasks and to-do items
    Focus on the right business
    Collaborate with your team
    Present your big successes
    Close more deals

Simply put, Salesforce is a place where you can do it all. And because it's stored in our secure cloud, you can access your data anytime, anywhere, whether you're on desktop or mobile.

When everything is stored in Salesforce, you no longer have to worry about the note you left on your desk or a file you saved on your hard drive. You'll find everything you need just by logging in.

Plus, you no longer have to worry about keeping your supervisor up to date on how your most important ongoing business is doing. Instead, your manager can simply log into Salesforce and see the latest data in real time.

This visibility is one of the key benefits of Salesforce. But rest assured that there are powerful security and sharing features that protect sensitive data and ensure the right people see the right data.

Who sees what?

Access determines your ability to open and interact with data stored in Salesforce. The data you can create, view, edit, and delete is determined by the settings your administrator manages (we will talk more about your administrator in the next lesson). Access can be simple or multi-layered, depending on the complexity of your organization's needs. The most important thing to know is that Salesforce has options for who can see and edit data, and your admin helps set them up and maintain them.

With the right security, your entire organization can access Salesforce, and one of the best reasons to do so is to take advantage of its collaboration capabilities.

Salesforce and CRM Collaboration

CRM stands for customer relationship management. This technology allows you to manage relationships with your customers and prospects and track data on all your interactions. It also helps teams collaborate internally and externally, gain insights from social media, track key metrics, and communicate via email, phone, social media, and other channels.

In Salesforce, all of this information is stored securely in the cloud. Let's take a closer look at how it works with an example you may be familiar with: a spreadsheet.

How does Salesforce organize your data?

Salesforce, organizes your data into objects and records. You can think of objects as a tab in a spreadsheet, and a record as a single row of data. 

In Salesforce, objects are accessed through the navigation menu. Select any record to access a specific account, contact, opportunity, or other record in Salesforce.

So what exactly are objects and records? Let's take a minute to define them, along with a few other terms you'll need to learn about during your Salesforce adventure.

When we sayWe mean thisNot this
RecordAn item you track in your database; if your data is like a spreadsheet, then a record is a row in the spreadsheet.This round thing that plays music #vinyl
FieldA place to store a value, such as a name or address; in our spreadsheet example, a field would be a column in the spreadsheet.A green meadow with flowers and grass and hopping rabbits.
ObjectA table in the database; in this spreadsheet example, an object is a tab in the spreadsheet.Something unknown in the sky, with green creatures in it.
OrgShort for "organization", the place where all your data, configurations and customizations are stored. You log in to access it. You could also call this "your Salesforce instance".Short for organ, i.e. heart, liver, kidneys, or possibly a large musical instrument.
AppA set of fields, objects, authorizations, and functions to support a business process.A thing you download onto your phone

Unlike a real spreadsheet, your Salesforce data is stored in our trusted, secure cloud and has a user-friendly interface that you can access from both your desktop and mobile device. So it's similar to a spreadsheet, but in Salesforce, all your data is tracked, shared, and connected to apps. Salesforce comes with a set of standard objects that are already set up and ready to go.

Salesforce Standard Objects

Here are some of the main standard objects you'll use in Salesforce, and a description of how to use each one.

AccountsAccounts are the companies you do business with. You can also do business with individuals (such as sole proprietors) using what're called personal accounts.
ContactsContacts are the people who work at an Account.
LeadsLeads are potential prospects. They have not yet qualified that they are ready to buy or what product they need. You do not have to use leads, but they can be helpful if you are selling as a team or if you have different sales processes for prospects and qualified buyers.
OpportunitiesOpportunities are qualified leads that you've converted. When you convert the lead, you create an Account and Contact along with the Opportunity.

With Salesforce CRM, you can manage and access your data in ways that would not be possible with a simple spreadsheet. Your records can be linked together to show how your data is related, so you can see the whole picture.