What is MuleSoft?

Oct. 13, 2022 ยท 5 minutes

MuleSoft gives teams the power to unlock data, automate processes, and create digital experiences. [Jakub Mosur / Salesforce]

Does your IT team have trouble completing everything? Do they have a lot of requests but not enough funds to accommodate them all? Are they hampered by outdated procedures and equipment? It might be time to ask yourself a fresh question if you indicated yes to any of these: What is MuleSoft?

What is MuleSoft?

Since 2018, MuleSoft has been a member of the Salesforce family. We provide solutions that unleash the power of every individual in your organization, enabling them to produce business results more quickly. This is how MuleSoft explains itself. We achieve this by providing line-of-business (LOB) employees with secure, self-serve access to the precise capabilities and components they require to thrive while providing IT with simple tools for developing automations and integrations.

What does MuleSoft do?

One of the most important teams in a modern company is IT. They maintain order, safeguard company information, and advance commerce using cutting-edge technology. It makes sense why so many teams depend on them for important tasks!

The drawback of having such high demand? It might be challenging for IT staff to complete all of the normal requests and novel ideas that come their way. According to MuleSoft's Connectivity Benchmark Report, just 44% of IT teams completed all of the projects that were requested of them last year, and 52% of those projects were delivered late. This slows down business operations overall, and as finances get tighter and worker talents become more in demand, these difficulties become even more difficult to overcome.

MuleSoft's mission is to simplify IT's job because of this.

What then is MuleSoft? IT can automate everything thanks to the MuleSoft platform. On a single, simple platform, this entails integrating data and systems, automating operations and procedures, and delivering amazing digital experiences. With the appropriate security, governance, and compliance mechanisms put in, IT develops the digital building blocks that teams can utilize as they see fit.

Let's look at MuleSoft's functionality now that you are familiar with what it is.

How does MuleSoft work?

MuleSoft supports IT teams in three areas: integrating systems and data to unlock their potential, automating processes to increase productivity and efficiency, and building compelling digital experiences. With our composable connectivity strategy, every digital asset becomes a reusable good. This strategy enables teams to complete tasks more quickly.

How does MuleSoft integrate technology and data?

One of the most important resources in your company is data. Without it, sales teams wouldn't know who to call, marketers would shout into the blank, and company leaders would be forced to make educated guesses rather than informed judgments. Every team needs access to the appropriate data in order to perform their duties effectively.

It's challenging to guarantee that everyone has access to the most recent data across all of these systems because the average firm uses 976 different applications to store its data. Integration addresses this by linking all company apps so that users can access the precise data they require.

Salesforce and MuleSoft Integration

What is MuleSoft's role in automation?

The need for automation is growing throughout the company, and requests typically end up on IT's desk. Ninety-one percent of IT leaders claim that over the past two years, demand for automation has increased. However, IT struggles to handle everything due to funding and headcount constraints.

The organization's change is driven by IT. MuleSoft provides IT with the tools needed to share their knowledge throughout the entire company. A unified platform is the first step in this process since it enables the creation of reusable automations, components, workflows, and connectors with the appropriate security baked in. Then, when a team requests assistance automating a process, IT can direct them to our no-code solutions, which enable them to self-serve precisely what they require with clicks rather than code.

What is MuleSoft doing to create seamless experiences?

The quality of technology depends on how well it serves its users. Yes, your clients and staff are the two main components of your company.

IT executives are aware of how crucial digital experiences are. About four out of five IT leaders concur that for their company to compete, better employee- and customer-facing technologies are essential. Customer loyalty is influenced by the interactions a customer has with a business.

You may combine any integrations, automations, or processes you've developed with MuleSoft to build digital experiences that have an impact on the people who matter most. You can swiftly construct it with resources you already have on hand from previous projects, whether it's a new mobile banking application, an interactive e-commerce platform, or a customer data portal for your workers.

What are the benefits of MuleSoft?

According to MuleSoft study, IT spends 71% of its time "keeping the lights on," leaving only 29% of its time for innovation. This may prevent the entire company from advancing the cause of their sector.

Companies that give teams low-code solutions and free up IT time with the help of platforms like MuleSoft see increased productivity throughout the entire organization. MuleSoft users claim that projects are delivered three times more quickly.

Additionally, when projects are completed more quickly, IT can devote more time to what they do best—conceiving of fresh, creative ideas and reinventing the company.

How do Salesforce and MuleSoft work together?

To create a single view of the customer, Customer 360 integrates all of your business processes. MuleSoft is a significant component of this puzzle. All of your company systems must be integrated in order for them to talk to one another and share customer data, both inside and outside of Salesforce.

MuleSoft and Salesforce

MuleSoft and Salesforce work together to unlock data across systems, construct scalable integration and automation frameworks, and quickly develop distinctive, linked experiences, whether you're utilizing the complete suite of Customer 360 or particular Salesforce solutions. The options are unlimited across integration patterns, Salesforce products, automated workflows, and third-party platforms. Use MuleSoft and Salesforce together to address issues in business such as:

  • Using low-code solutions to automate activities and enhance customer interactions
  • Utilizing Heroku and the Lightning Platform to create integrated applications
  • Combining separate third-party systems into a unified customer view in Sales Cloud and Service Cloud
  • Synchronizing order, invoice, and product information by connecting Customer 360 with legacy sources

When data, technology, and people are all collaborating, businesses flourish. MuleSoft and Salesforce work together to help organizations quickly accelerate their digital transformation.